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Guest Opinion: We need to steer a path back toward stable trade deals

Here in Iowa, where every third row of corn and soybeans are exported and trade with overseas markets add about $53 per animal to each pig and $287 per beef cow, it’s easy to see …

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The Elbert Files: How to boost gun sales

The sun was shining. The snow had mostly melted. And I was enjoying my morning walk, when I saw my friend, K.C., crossing Grand Avenue near the Des Moines Art Center.

I could tell immediately …

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Guest Opinion: Starting a women’s group

By Kate Banasiak, on behalf of the Lead Like A Lady Board of Directors

When I sit down with women to talk about some of the most important things you can have in your career …

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Guest Opinion: Women in leadership – barriers and challenges

By Harwant Khush | Research consultant, Tero International

International Women’s Day is celebrated all over the world annually on March 8. It is the time of the year when women celebrate their successes, reflect upon their …

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The Elbert Files: Trivia large and small

Here’s a bit of trivia: This nation’s first Chamber of Commerce is older than the United States. New York City merchants who wanted to defuse growing tensions with Great Britain organized it in 1768.

Many …

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Guest Opinion: Fostering success through personal branding

By Emily Steele | Co-founder, Brand Launch

Your personal brand can be used now more than ever to help you create success in your business. In short, your personal brand is what people say about you …

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The Elbert Files: Historic vote approaching

Tuesday, March 6, will be a historic day for Des Moines.

It’s when residents of the city, rural Polk County and nine contiguous suburbs — Altoona, Bondurant, Clive, Grimes, Johnston, Pleasant Hill, Urbandale, West Des …

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Guest Opinion: Do billionaires’ projects really need to be subsidized?

Who you are makes all the difference in the world. 

Or so it seems.

Two examples illustrate this fact of modern-day life in our United States.

If you walk up to someone in Iowa and demand …

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Guest Opinion: The #MeToo movement and 3 ways to positively lead forward

By Julie Wulfekuhle | Senior strategy consultant, Wells Fargo

The #MeToo movement has given women a voice. A voice to share their personal stories about sexual harassment and assault; to stand up and say, “This is not OK anymore!” …

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Guest Opinion: Marketing to women — where industries fall short

By Sasha Veenstra | Business development, Conference Event Management

As a previous guest opinion writer shared, 95 percent of women are financial decision makers, 84 percent of married women are either solely or jointly responsible for …