

The Elbert Files: Are we headed in reverse?

This year’s political discord is astounding. Donald Trump’s accusing opponents of lying, while encouraging supporters to “lock up” Hillary Clinton and commit violence against others, sets new lows in uncivil discourse. 

The only thing remotely …


Guest Opinion: Pokemon Go v. United States: A case in healthy behaviors

A few weeks ago I was having dinner with our family, and the subject turned to Pokemon Go. My 15-year-old son Ben commented, “The government has been trying to solve childhood obesity and exercise for …


Guest Opinion: Working mom, bad mom?

Recently, my daughter, Anne Roth, and I had an opportunity to speak at an Elevate breakfast at the West Des Moines Chamber of Commerce. We wanted to share with Lift IOWA readers some of the…
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Guest Opinion: Mindfulness over multitasking

BY LORI CHESSER | Partner and department chair, Davis Brown Law Firm
At times, do you feel you’re responsible for making the world spin on its axis?   That report is due next week and…
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Guest Opinion: Mindfulness over multitasking

BY LORI CHESSER | Partner and department chair, Davis Brown Law Firm
At times, do you feel you’re responsible for making the world spin on its axis?   That report is due next week and…

The Elbert Files: A new slogan for Iowa?

“So Iowa needs a new slogan,” said a familiar voice as I approached the John and Mary Pappajohn Sculpture Garden on my morning walk. It was my old friend K.C., who sounded like he was …

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Guest Opinion: Strength sometimes is not physical

BY TERRY HERNANDEZ | Executive director, Chrysalis Foundatfion
A few years ago, Chrysalis celebrated its 25th anniversary by unveiling a new tagline: Smart girls, strong women, successful communities, 100 percent give back.   There are…
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Opinion: The 5 Ms for strategic decision-making

BY MANDI McREYNOLDS | Global community relations manager, Principal Financial Group Inc.

Have you ever stood in front of your closet and just stared? In a haze, you think, “I just cannot make one more…
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Guest Opinion: Strength sometimes is not physical

BY TERRY HERNANDEZ | Executive director, Chrysalis Foundatfion
A few years ago, Chrysalis celebrated its 25th anniversary by unveiling a new tagline: Smart girls, strong women, successful communities, 100 percent give back.   There are…

The Elbert Files: No shortage of terrorists here

Donald Trump and a significant number of his followers believe the United States should ban all Muslims from entering the country because of the terrorist acts of a few, but the fact is this country …