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Waiting is not leadership

  When female clients reach out to share change happening in their organization, they sometimes say: “I’m waiting to find out what is happening with me,” writes Nancy Fredericks for Iowa Women Lead Change. Change…
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How to fight the pay gap within your own team

  The gender pay gap can seem like a monstrous problem, way too big for a single executive to tackle on her own. But sometimes large-scale change starts small. You can do something about that,…
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Guest Opinion: Maintaining confident composure is key

BY BLAIR ROSENBERG | Director of community and donor relations, Candeo
Recently a gentleman I was doing business with called to set up a meeting regarding how we could better partner together. He also let…

The Elbert Files: The guv, Korean gold & Garland

Tuesday, May 3, was a banner day of sorts for Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad, who appeared in 10 separate news items in that day’s print edition of The Des Moines Register. 

Better yet for the …

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Guest Opinion: Making the most of your time

BY SUNNY EIGHMY | Director of donor relations, Central College
A superior of mine once told me never to waste time in a meeting. Certainly there is value in getting quickly to the point, but…

On The Record: How to lean back… at home

Editor’s note: 
I’ve been married for four years. We’re raising a dog and don’t yet have kids, but as we race toward turning 30 during the next year, the topic of raising children while growing …

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Sharing the second shift: What we learned


About 125 men and women gathered on Wednesday for the first Lift IOWA event – a discussion about tackling gender equity in the home. The crowd was mostly young  and mostly female, although about…

The Elbert Files: Mary Andringa chose wisely

The resignation of Vermeer Corp.’s Mary Andringa from the Iowa Board of Regents probably has less to do with an imagined conflict of interest than it does with dysfunction at the University of Iowa.

Andringa …

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Guest Opinion: Comparison is the thief of joy

  BY JESSIE HILL | Social media specialist, Two Rivers Marketing
Do you find yourself comparing your life and successes to those of others?    Do you roll your eyes when you hear about his…

Guest Opinion: Know when to use (and harness) a competitive spirit

BY EMILY ABBAS | Chief marketing officer and chief of staff, Bankers Trust Co.  

I believe a competitive spirit provides an advantage when it comes to success; however, for those of us who have …