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The Insider Notebook

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NOTEBOOK – ONE GOOD READ: Am I rich? Survey looks at shifting attitudes on personal wealth

The pandemic has changed Americans’ thinking on a lot of topics, and opinions on the size of nest egg it takes to consider ourselves “comfortable” or “wealthy” are no exception. This Fast Company piece explores some of …

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NOTEBOOK – ONE GOOD READ: Georgia’s ‘Stonehenge of America’ continues to attract attention

Seven miles outside the town of Elberton, Ga., is a granite monument erected in the late 1980s. Called the Georgia Guidestones, the monument consists of six granite slabs, each a little more than 19 feet …

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NOTEBOOK – ONE GOOD READ: US civil rights enforcers warn employers against biased AI

The U.S. Justice Department and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission jointly issued guidance to employers last week around ensuring hiring tools using artificial intelligence are not discriminating against people with disabilities. This Associated Press article reports that …

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ONE GOOD READ – NOTEBOOK: Thinking about buying a used car? Now might be the time

Things may finally be starting to look up if you’re in the market for a used car. What had been a seller’s market for used cars, whose values peaked at 54% above pre-pandemic levels in …

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NOTEBOOK – ONE GOOD READ: A cheap solution to the EV charging conundrum?

Americans may need to rethink — or perhaps recharge — their thinking about how electric vehicle charging infrastructure will be built out as EV technology takes off, as this Slate article suggests. Some of the current thinking …

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NOTEBOOK – ONE GOOD READ: The scoop on the baby formula shortage

On a Sunday morning in 1993, our phone rang just after 5 a.m. It was a friend from church telling us that the levees surrounding the Des Moines Water Works plant had been breached and …

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NOTEBOOK – ONE GOOD READ: New tech conveys emotional touch long-distance

With in-person outings and events back in full swing, there hardly seems to be a need for the technology described in this Scientific American article: a wearable sleeve that simulates the feeling of physical touch. Nonetheless, …

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NOTEBOOK – ONE GOOD READ: Portland sports bar draws attention to inequity in televised women’s sports

We have all spent time watching a game with friends at a bar, so when I stumbled upon this story in the the Guardian early on Mother’s Day morning it got me thinking about something I had …

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NOTEBOOK – ONE GOOD READ: Rising interest rates sparking higher down payments for home loans, return of ARMs

Last week, the average interest rate for a 30-year home mortgage was 5.1%, the highest it’s been since December 2009, according to data compiled by FreddieMac. The higher interest is pushing some buyers out of …

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NOTEBOOK – ONE GOOD READ: In the face of megadroughts, LA is transforming how it uses water

Los Angeles is experiencing a drought that is the region’s worst in 1,200 years, according to this Fast Company article, and as it appears climate change may make it a long-lasting phenomenon, the city is considering …