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Gasoline tax to remain unchanged July 1

Iowa’s gasoline tax rate will remain unchanged in the upcoming fiscal year, state officials announced this morning. Under legislation enacted in 2001 and extended in 2008, the Iowa Department of Revenue must adjust the rate …

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Rivers approaching flood stage

The Des Moines Public Works Department is warning residents of road closures and rising river levels. The Raccoon River at Fleur Drive was at 11.73 feet at 9:45 this morning and is expected to exceed …

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$4 gas, we’re over it

The rush by Americans to buy smaller, more fuel-efficient vehicles hit a speed bump in May, Reuters reported.

The rush for vehicles with higher gas mileage is more restrained than three years ago and is …


Megabus happy with Iowa ridership after first year

Coach USA LLC’s Megabus service celebrated its one-year anniversary in Iowa in May, and officials are pleased with how the service has taken hold.

Megabus provides travel between Des Moines, Iowa City and Chicago, and …

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Airlines finding additional ways to make money

Airlines’ revenues from add-ons to ticket sales jumped to almost $22 billion last year and continues to soar as more carriers chase extra sources of income, The Wall Street Journal reported.

A study released today …

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MPO to hold TIP public meeting next week

The Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) will hold a public meeting on May 31 to receive input and comments on the Federal Fiscal Years 2012-2015 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).

The MPO develops the …

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DART receives safety award

The Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority (DART) has received the American Public Transportation Association’s “Gold Award” in the safety category among midsized transit agencies. Safety initiatives were evaluated on a wide array of criteria, …

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Weitz Co. likely to construct new DART Central Station hub

The Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority (DART) announced today that The Weitz Co. has submitted the lowest bid to construct the new DART hub at 620 Cherry St. and is likely to be awarded …

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DART hub officially breaks ground

Construction officially begins today (May 20) on the Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority (DART) transit hub at 620 Cherry St. The $21 million project has been fully funded by state and federal grants, and …

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CBO: Consider Vehicle Miles Traveled tax

Taxing vehicles based on miles driven, not fuel purchased, would better align highway costs with revenue generation, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).

CBO officials on Tuesday said the imposition of a new tax …