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Branstad appoints Yanney to DOT’s Transportation Commission

Gov. Terry Branstad today appointed Sioux City native Charese Yanney to the Iowa Department of Transportation’s Transportation Commission.

Yanney is a former teacher who is now a partner at Guarantee Roofing, Siding and Insulation Co. …

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DART Commission passes FY2012 budget

The Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority (DART) passed its fiscal year 2012 budget unanimously last night.

The budget projects a $1.35 million budget gap for the fiscal year, to be closed by using money …

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Crude oil price hits two-year high

Oil rose to its highest price in more than two years as Libya’s violent uprising threatened to disrupt exports from Africa’s third-biggest supplier and spread to other oil-producing nations in the Middle East, Bloomberg reported. …

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DART to finalize budget

The Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority (DART) Commission will approve its fiscal year 2012 fixed-route budget and tax levy rates at tonight’s monthly meeting at 5 p.m. at the DART offices, 1100 DART Way. …

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Iowa DOT receives $5 million for public transportation

The Iowa Department of Transportation on Thursday received $5 million from the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration as part of its State of Good Repair Grant Program.

The funding will be split across …

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MPO allocated more than $22 million in government funds in FY2010

The Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) released its fiscal year 2010 annual report last week.

The group allocated more than $6 million in Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds from the federal government, and …

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Winnebago recognized as top seller for 10th year in a row

Forest City-based Winnebago Industries Inc. has been recognized as the nation’s top-selling motor home manufacturer, according to reporting service Statistical Surveys Inc. It’s the 10th consecutive year Winnebago has been at the top.

Winnebago had …

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Report: Economic growth will fuel airline industry over next two decades

Improved economic growth will help U.S. airline-passenger numbers reach 1 billion per year by fiscal year 2021, according to Bloomberg.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) released its annual forecast today, which said total passengers reached …

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MPO asks for feedback on TIP grant

The Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is asking for comments on an amendment on a federal grant to install traffic adaptive control signals at 13 existing stoplights along Mills Civic Parkway in West …

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Finally, another big bird in the sky

Boeing Co. rolled out a new jumbo jet on Sunday, Reuters reported, almost 42 years to the day since the maiden flight of the 747, which went on to become the world’s most recognized jetliner …