The Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority is offering an opportunity for people to put their driving skills to the test during a hiring event Nov. 2-3. Potential applicants will be able to drive a DART bus …
The Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority is seeking input from riders as it strives to make improvements in its service to better meet the changing transportation needs in Central Iowa. According to a news …
A bridge project in Iowa City has made the list of projects identified in the federal Bridge Investment Program. The list of projects contained in the $12.5 billion infrastructure improvement program was released today, and included a …
The Iowa Transportation Commission has approved more than $6 million for six rail infrastructure projects using funding from the Railroad Revolving Loan and Grant Program. According to a news release, the projects are expected to …
Department of Transportation officials today announced expanded funding resources available to states for truck parking projects to make the U.S. freight system safer and more efficient. The American Trucking Associations and the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association …
Bridges of Iowa Inc. will use a $100,000 Legacy Grant from Prairie Meadows to buy three new 15-passenger vans to help clients overcome transportation barriers. Bridges of Iowa is a long-term substance abuse and addiction …
Axios Des Moines: Des Moines’ East Court Avenue will be reconstructed from the Des Moines River to East 14th Street as part of a two-year, nearly $33 million project that starts next spring. There will be …
Axios Des Moines: Traffic fatalities have steadily risen in Iowa since 2020 and preliminary estimates from the first quarter of 2022 show they’re not slowing down. Around 69 Iowans died in car accidents during the first …
In 2019, the pedestrian bridge over Beaver Creek collapsed after being heavily damaged by high waters and ice jams. A new bridge, which cost $2 million to construct, opened this week. The bridge, which is …
Car dealerships, hit hard by supply chain shortages and reduced inventories, will continue to evolve as customers adapt to buying vehicles on pre-order. It could be well into 2023 or 2024 before the industry begins …
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