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Iowa Women’s Foundation announces $3M Legacy Grant Fund campaign

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A Closer Look: Brian Mulcahy

Brian Mulcahy was recently promoted to the role of assistant executive director at the Des Moines International Airport, moving up from the finance director’s position, which he held for about 10 years. Before he came …

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Would a $4/hour pay increase for child care workers reduce attrition rates in the industry? Yes, according to one experiment in Iowa City


A Closer Look: Sheri Penney

The child care crisis has been simmering for decades across the state and country. In 2020, it boiled over when Iowa lost a third of its child care slots. 

Seeing that child care was crucial …


Food pantries dig in as need rises


Photo issue: Four leaders give us a peek at their pastimes

The Business Record has produced a Photo Issue since 2012. The issue has primarily focused on showing the hobbies of some of our community leaders – although because of the pandemic we took a different …


Iowa’s medical cannabis sales reach new high

MedPharm Iowa — now operating under its new, state-agnostic name of Bud & Mary’s Cannabis Co. — is in expansion mode, but founder Chris Nelson didn’t need to search very far for more space to …

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PROJECT UPDATE: West Bank headquarters

Buildings have been demolished on the site of West Bank’s planned new headquarters at 3330 Westown Parkway in West Des Moines. Last week, demolition crews were sorting through the debris and removing it from the …


What progress has been made on the child care task force recommendations?


Meet the CEO of Dotdash Meredith

Six months after InterActiveCorp’s Dotdash bought Meredith Corp. in a $2.7 billion deal that created the merged company Dotdash Meredith, Neil Vogel is excited about the opportunities that lie before him and the rest of …