Charity golf outing delivers largest donation in Construction Angels history
Business Record Staff Sep 25, 2023 | 11:04 am
1 min read time
162 wordsAll Latest News, Nonprofits and Philanthropy, Real Estate and DevelopmentNearly 200 golfers representing the construction industry helped raise $127,000 during the first Iowa Construction Angels Golf Outing, which was presented by Cemen Tech Inc. and Master Builders of Iowa. Funds from the event will support the nonprofit Construction Angels in providing financial assistance and grief counseling to families of Iowa construction workers who have died on the job site. The national organization also provides academic scholarships to qualified applicants and children of workers who have died. “Construction workers are often in dangerous surroundings and understand it can be part of the job,” Kristi Gibbs, CEO, founder and national executive director of Construction Angels, said in a press release. “We want to be there for families who have lost a loved one to offer an immediate source of relief, assistance and continued support. Through volunteers and gifts from generous donors, Construction Angels is able to demonstrate that fallen workers are not forgotten and their families will continue to be supported.”