City of Des Moines receives national recognition for historic preservation efforts


The National Alliance of Preservation Commissions has selected the city of Des Moines’ Historic Preservation Commission as its Commission of the Year. The commission’s preservation plan, ReflectDSM, developed new approaches for recognizing, supporting, preserving and protecting Des Moines’ historic fabric where possible. “The advocacy and outreach efforts, youth engagement and oral history component…of the preservation plan, and the planned city-wide survey incorporating the lessons learned to ensure inclusivity, demonstrate a clear commitment to the preservation of the full history of Des Moines,” said awards committee Co-Chair Rebecca Goodwin. “These efforts, combined with the Commission’s record of documentation, nomination, and protection of historic resources, exemplifies that for which all preservation commissions should strive.” A network of community members, neighborhood organizations and individuals throughout Des Moines have collaborated on the plan, a news release said.