Clive seeking artist proposals for future Public Safety Center, 2021 Art Along the Trail
BPC Staff Dec 9, 2020 | 4:49 pm
<1 min read time
110 wordsAll Latest News, Arts and Culture, Government Policy and LawThe city of Clive is seeking artist proposals to integrate art into the new Public Safety Center, which will house the Clive Police Department and Clive Fire Department. Artist application information is available at The city is also seeking artist proposals for its annual Art Along the Trail temporary display, which showcases nine pieces of art along the Clive Greenbelt Trail and in Clive parks. Applications for both projects must be submitted by Jan. 8, 2021; finalists for the Public Safety Center will be chosen by committee in mid-January, and interviews will be scheduled for February. Selections for Art Along the Trail will be contacted by early February.