Coastal Social donates $20,000 to local nonprofit groups


Two Des Moines area nonprofit groups each received $10,000 from the Uncoastal Social at Luxury Lane event held during the 2022 HomeShowExpo that was hosted by Kimberley Estates in Ankeny. The Greater Des Moines Habitat for Humanity and Iowa Skilled Trades were recipients of the donations. “The Uncoastal Social VIP event … showcased several of the tremendous builders we have in our community and highlighted the skilled trade careers in our state,” Jenna Kimberley, president of the Home Builders Association of Greater Des Moines and vice president of Kimberley Development Corp., said in a prepared statement. “We are delighted with the success of the first year of the event, and proud to be able to donate $10,000 to support affordable housing with Habitat for Humanity, and $10,000 to Iowa Skilled Trades to support future workforce training in Iowa.”

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