DART proposes on-demand service in West Des Moines


The Des Moines Area Regional Transit Authority is considering the launch of on-demand service in West Des Moines after seeing demand for the service soar in Ankeny since it was introduced in November. DART is seeking public input on its proposal, which includes the elimination of Local Route 72, which travels between Jordan Creek Town Center, the University Avenue medical corridor, Valley West Mall and Valley Junction. The proposal also calls for the rerouting of a portion of Local Route 52 to University Avenue west of Valley West Mall instead of on Interstate 235. Dart on Demand allows riders to schedule on-demand trips that start and end within a designated zone. The service uses smaller transit vehicles with riders sharing trips with others traveling at similar times to similar locations. DART is asking people to complete a survey to provide input on the proposed changes. There also is an open house scheduled for 10 a.m. to noon on May 24 at the West Des Moines Human Services office, 139 Sixth St., a virtual public meeting on Zoom at noon on May 25, and a public meeting at 5:30 p.m. on May 26 at the West Des Moines Public Library, 4000 Mills Civic Parkway. DART On Demand is part of the agency’s move to alternative transit models as it works to meet the evolving needs of its customers.