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Deidre Williams: 2024 Women of Influence Honoree

vice president of organizational effectiveness, EMC Insurance


How have you helped improve organizations you’ve been a part of? 

My career has been marked by a steadfast commitment to leadership, learning and development, which has led to substantial improvements within the organizations I have served. Through strategic leadership, I’ve been afforded the opportunities to shape learning and talent-development strategies that enhance workforce competencies on a global scale. My vast experiences and expertise have allowed me to unlock potential, creating a skilled and agile workforce ready for a dynamic corporate world.

As an enthusiastic lifelong learner, I’ve been extremely fortunate to have amassed a diverse set of skills through extensive education, enabling me to implement effective programs that elevate employee capabilities and drive success. My visionary approach has yielded transformative learning solutions, ensuring access to continuous growth opportunities for all team members.

However, and essential to note, every achievement in my career has been made possible by the skill and unwavering commitment of an extraordinary team. Together, we have launched EMC University, implemented a comprehensive change management model, revitalized our mentoring program, established a DEI office and developed a dynamic leadership program. These initiatives, driven by the innovative spirit and expertise of the professionals I have the honor of collaborating with, have cultivated a culture rich in learning, adaptability, innovation and inclusivity.

The accolades received by EMC Insurance Cos. reflect the success of our collective efforts and the positive influence they have had within our industry.

In essence, the work my team and I have accomplished has not only boosted individual performance but has also contributed significantly to raising the bar for organizational excellence, fostering a more effective, inclusive and progressive corporate culture.

What motivates you? 

My motivation springs from a deep-rooted desire to serve. It’s the moments when I can extend a helping hand, demonstrate unwavering professionalism and excel in my endeavors that truly invigorate me. Each day presents a new set of challenges, and it’s in these challenges that I find my strength and thrive. Striving for excellence isn’t just a goal; it is a commitment to surpassing the ordinary. Moreover, as someone who has often been the sole representative in influential spaces, the ability to forge new pathways for others is a profound source of inspiration. It’s about creating opportunities and setting precedents that will empower those who follow.

Is there a memory or experience from your formative years that continues to influence your approach to life? 

Reflecting on my childhood, one pivotal experience that profoundly influences my approach to life are the lessons learned around the family dinner table or while working on our family farm. It was there that my family would discuss the day’s events, intertwined with discussions on the ever presence of our faith in God, the importance of education and the value of hard work. These conversations were not just about principles; they were about the stories of our ancestors, their struggles and their triumphs. My parents often shared narratives of resilience and sacrifice, reminding us that our presence was a testament to their perseverance. This instilled in me a deep sense of gratitude, respect and a commitment to honor their legacy by always extending the same support, encouragement and opportunities to others. For me, it’s a lesson in humility and purpose that continues to resonate with me and shapes my actions every day – as a parent, a professional and a community servant.

What piece of advice would you give to others who hope to make a difference in their communities?

My guidance to those striving to contribute to their communities would be to prioritize the well-being of others above personal interests. The most profound fulfillment in life emerges from the opportunity to support and uplift others with unwavering dedication. Serving others is not only a privilege but also one of life’s most rewarding experiences.

Tell us about a time you failed (or at least you did from your own perception). 

There was a time when I perceived myself as having failed, and it was a moment of silence when I should have spoken. In a crucial meeting, I found myself holding back my thoughts and felt undeserving of being heard. This self-imposed silence stemmed from a misplaced belief that my presence and opinions were not worthy of the room’s attention.

I regard this as a failure not because of the outcome of the meeting, but because I doubted my own value and right to contribute. It was a moment of fear, where I inadvertently diminished not only my own voice, but my own existence. However, this experience became a turning point for me. It taught me the importance of self-advocacy and the power of one’s voice.

From this, I learned to be my own strongest supporter, and to never again mute my contributions out of fear. It has inspired me to encourage others to speak up and not wait for permission. Instead I assure them that their voices are not only valid but essential as they hold the potential to affect meaningful change. This lesson in self-belief and the impact and influence of our voices has been instrumental in both my personal and professional growth.

What is a favorite book, show, movie, podcast, etc., that you’d encourage others to consume? 

One of my all-time favorite and most inspirational books has been “Becoming” by Michelle Obama. This memoir is a relatable journey that resonates with many as it reflects on the journey of resilience, identity and leadership. Her narrative includes overcoming obstacles related to race and class, which speaks to the experiences of many women of color. Additionally, it encourages readers to embrace their personal growth and self-discovery, and hence, is not only inspirational, but empowering. The book delves deeply into the criticality of visibility and representation as she, the first African American First Lady, set a powerful example for not only women of color, but for all women. And last, her remarkable story reminds us of all of the importance in breaking barriers, while remaining authentic to our true selves and that with hope, and hard work, aspirations are not only valid but attainable.  

How do you try to find balance and joy in the many activities you take part in? 

In all my activities, I find balance and joy by placing God at the center. It is through His grace that I navigate life’s endeavors. My faith is the cornerstone of my existence, guiding me in my commitment and loyalty to my family and thereafter, to all other aspects of my life. I consider myself a humble conduit for God’s work, and my daily prayer is that He finds favor in my actions. It is my deepest hope that my words, actions and deeds not only bless others but also mirror the goodness and light of God within me.

What is one of your guilty pleasures? 

I must admit, one of my guilty pleasures, and this I cannot resist, is the urge to binge-watch episodes of “Bridgerton” when I get the chance. It’s my go-to indulgence regardless of how many times I’ve watched all three seasons.

What’s something many people don’t know about you? 

Few people know this about me, but I’ve got a real soft spot in my heart for country life. My family is from the South, and I’ve spent a great amount of time appreciating not only the outdoors, but the hard work and resilience taught to me from my grandparents through farming.  For me, there’s nothing quite like the peace of a horseback ride on a quiet dirt road, or the comforting sound of rain hitting a tin roof. It’s the fresh air, the mystics of God’s beautiful wonders and the constant reflection of the sacrifices made and constant prayers from my elders that allow me to be where I am today. Without hesitation, it’s down South, in the country, on my family land, where I feel most at home.

Anything else you want to add about yourself? 

The greatest blessing in my life is being a mother to my 15-year-old son, SirMichael Carrington. He is my “why” — the reason behind every action I take and the source of an unwavering relentlessness in all my endeavors. My sole purpose and motivation are embodied in him.  Without question, raising him is undoubtedly the most challenging role I’ve ever taken, yet, in the same breath, it is also the most cherished and rewarding experience my life has ever known. Each day is a new chapter in our shared journey, and I am committed to ensuring that he recognizes the gifts within himself that God allows me and others to see in him each and every day. My unconditional love for him fuels a relentless drive to provide, to guide and to support as I hope that I am providing a strong and impenetrable foundation on which he himself will one day stand. It is my fervent prayer that he shall one day embrace fully the magnitude of his own capabilities and his blessed destiny.

What do you consider the greatest barrier to gender equity? 

As a woman of color, I think one of the most significant barriers to gender equity within the professional setting, remains systematic discrimination and the concrete ceiling, a term coined to reflect the dual burden of sexism and racism experienced by women of color. Per research from McKinsey’s “Women in the Workplace 2023,” this is attributed to unwelcoming work environments, stereotypes, overlooked promotions and higher attrition rates. These barriers, compounded by microaggressions, unconscious bias and the lack of representation in many work environments, contribute to the exclusion and marginalization of women of color in leadership roles.  

Who is an empowering woman that you look up to? 

My beloved mother, Helen Williams, is the woman who I most admire and look up to. My mother is the epitome of empowerment and grace, a steadfast pillar of faith whose boundless love for her family and neighbors radiates with the genuine warmth of her spirit. She is the quintessence of the virtuous woman extolled in the scriptures, laboring with wisdom and kindness. Her entrepreneurial journey spans four decades, marked by a selfless dedication to uplifting others, a testament to her generous and compassionate heart.

She stands as the role model I revere, the matriarch whose exemplary footsteps I strive to follow. Her inner beauty and strength surpass her own recognition, illuminating every space she enters and drawing others toward her warmth. In her selfless acts of protection, nurturing and provision, she defines what it means to love unconditionally.

She is the essence of love, the epitome of all that is good. Beyond her own perception, she is deeply respected, loved and adored by her family and community. She is the cherished jewel in the eyes of her children and grandchildren. It is my earnest prayer to make her proud, to magnify her extraordinary legacy and to mirror the indelible impact she has imprinted upon my life. I love her dearly, and she, throughout the remainder of my life, shall forever be my personal North Star.

What will it take for women to achieve gender parity in leadership positions? 

Achieving gender parity in leadership requires a sustained, multifaceted commitment that addresses the unique challenges faced by women of color. It involves allyship, advocacy and creating an environment where their talents are recognized, their contributions are valued, their voices are heard, and they have the support and psychological safety needed to ascend to leadership positions.

What support would be most helpful for business leaders to provide for their women and nonbinary employees? 

The support business leaders can offer to women and nonbinary employees involves creating an inclusive and equitable work environment where everyone has the opportunity to succeed as their authentic selves. By ensuring inclusive policies, access to resources, support to gender transitions, normalizing gender identities, fair compensation and continuous education are all initiatives that can help to amplify the voices of women and nonbinary employees wherein they feel seen, heard, supported, safe, valued and recognized.

Fill in the blank: If gender equity were achieved, the world would look like ____________.

If gender equity were achieved, the world would look like a tapestry woven from diverse threads of talent and aspiration, where every person’s contributions are valued equally and the collective success of society is uplifted by the equitable participation of all genders, hence, it would be a world where the ceilings that have historically limited the aspirations of many are removed.

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Education: Currently a doctoral candidate in organizational leadership from Carolina University, master’s degree in international relations – political economics from Troy University, and a bachelor’s degree in English from Georgia Southern University

Hometown: Columbus, Georgia

Family: Son, SirMichael Carrington Williams-Thomas

Hobbies: Scuba diving, travel, golf and horseback riding

Words to live by: To whom much is given, much is required (Luke 12:48). Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight (Proverbs 3:5-6). I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13).

Mantra: Always in pursuit of excellence: “Good, better, best, never let it rest, until your good becomes better, and your better becomes best.”

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Three notable accomplishments

My tenure at EMC Insurance Cos. has been characterized by a series of transformative contributions that I can only hope have helped to elevate the organization’s stature and operational ethos. Among these, I am particularly proud of the following accomplishments:

  • Trailblazing leadership: I have the honor of being the first woman of color to serve as a vice president at EMC Insurance Cos., setting a precedent for future leaders.
  • National recognition: The strategic initiatives I have championed culminated in EMC Insurance Cos. receiving national recognition. In 2022, we were named a Servant Led Organization by the Robert Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership. Furthermore, our dedication to learning excellence earned us the title of a LearningElite Organization by Chief Learning Officer magazine in 2021 with the establishment of EMC University (EMCU) – standing as a testament to our commitment to the continuous leadership, learning and development of our team members. 
  • Leading the charge in change management and inclusivity: At EMC, I spearheaded the creation and deployment of an innovative change management framework, recognizing the critical need for agility and adaptability in today’s fast-paced business climate, and helped implement our first organizational change management model. This strategic move has empowered our teams to manage and adapt to organizational changes effectively, fostering resilience and ensuring sustained growth. In addition, my role as a champion and leader of diversity, equity and inclusion was central to instilling these values deeply into our corporate ethos. My leadership in the formation of our inclusion council and business resource groups was a key factor in nurturing a more inclusive workplace culture where our team members feel seen, heard, valued and respected. 

These milestones reflect not only personal achievements but also the collective progress we have made as an organization, continually striving for excellence and innovation in all our endeavors.

Watch Deidre’s remarks

See all of the past Women of Influence honorees