Demolition permit issued to raze Valley West Inn in West Des Moines
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A demolition permit has been issued to raze the dilapidated Valley West Inn in West Des Moines, a city official confirmed.

A fire in the fall of 2021 damaged the structure, which was built in 1972 and included 142 guest rooms. Since then, the property has repeatedly been broken into and further damaged. Windows and doors have been boarded up to keep people out of the building.

A contractor has completed asbestos remediation work, and demolition of the building is expected to be completed by early November, Ryan Moffatt, West Des Moines’ community and economic development director, wrote in an email.

A year ago, a nonprofit group that provides housing and services to people facing housing barriers, considered purchasing the property, located at 3535 Westown Parkway. The council approved providing $840,000 for redevelopment of the property. The Greater Des Moines Supportive Housing requested up to $2.84 million to help purchase and renovate the property. That would have been about 13% of the project’s total estimated cost of $21.8 million.

The property, valued at slightly over $2 million, is owned by Valley West Inn LLC, which records show is managed by Penny Bassman.

The city has not received any redevelopment proposals for the property, Moffatt wrote.

Editor’s note: This story was updated at 9:45 a.m. Sept. 13 to include accurate information on when the demolition of the Valley West Inn is expected to be completed.

Kathy A. Bolten

Kathy A. Bolten is a senior staff writer at Business Record. She covers real estate and development, workforce development, education, banking and finance, and housing.

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