Des Moines forces Sweet Tooth Farms to relocate from north-side lots
BPC Staff Jul 6, 2021 | 4:24 pm
1 min read time
130 wordsAll Latest News, Arts and Culture, Government Policy and LawDes Moines Register: Come 2022, Monika Owczarski won’t be able to farm anymore on the plot of land she leases from the city of Des Moines in the north-side River Bend neighborhood. The city recently gave notice that her lease, along with other commercial garden leases in the Central Place and Valley Gardens industrial parks, would be terminated next year. According to an email shared with the Register, the city won’t renew the lease because “the city just does not have a lot of excess property that is not either in a flood plain or for sale for redevelopment.” Although the city has said it will work to help relocate the parts of Sweet Tooth Farm that exist on city property, Owczarski stresses that it will set production back significantly.