Diversity, Pedro Borda, Iowa Department of Revenue, rocket school


There are more than 640,000 people who live in Greater Des Moines and its surrounding communities, who work for the hundreds of businesses big and small, who volunteer and participate in the thousands of organizations and groups that thrive and add purpose and diversity to the area.

What gives Greater Des Moines — or even Iowa — its distinct flavor? Its people and what they are passionate about.

We looked at 19 facts for the 2019 Book of Lists that help illustrate the dynamic and transformative people behind the market. Here is one fact included in the Market Vibe section:

Diversity has increased in Iowa and Greater Des Moines. One demographic that illustrates this is the number of Latinos in the state.

189,818: The estimated Latino population of Iowa as of July 1, 2017, making people of Hispanic or Latino origin the state’s largest race or ethnicity minority. 

6 percent: Percentage of the state’s total population that Latinos make up, according to the State Data Center’s September 2018 report. 

130.2 percent: Percentage change in the Latino population from 2000 to 2017. That’s an increase of 107,345 for the period, according to the Data Center. Other groups also increased. 

To read more of the market facts or to see the 2019 Book of Lists, go here. If you are not a Business Record Insider and want to order a copy, please contact Laura Stegemann at (515) 288-4582.