Envision Iowa Think Tank focuses on emerging tech, how it applies to Iowa industries


How are Iowa’s oldest legacy industries utilizing emerging technologies to grow? What innovations are spurring new business opportunities? That’s what Brian Waller, president of the Technology Association of Iowa, explored in his keynote presentation Thursday during the Business Record’s second Envision Iowa Think Tank on business opportunities and innovation.

Waller was interviewed by Business Publications Corp. Group Publisher Chris Conetzkey about growth areas in Iowa’s economy and using technology as an accelerator.

Envision Iowa consists of a three-part virtual Think Tank series, culminating in an in-person event on Oct. 22. Register for the remaining events here.

Thursday’s Think Tank featured a statewide three-person panel of professionals who discussed what industries in Iowa are poised for growth and how to overcome challenges in the state’s business climate. Look for that video next week in the Business Record Daily.

Watch the keynote