Gain strength from adversity


So often, the most powerful catalyst for change lies in the place we’d least expect or want to find it – in adverse circumstances. Failure has a way of making us take stock of our careers and our lives in a way that success does not. It can also force us to take quick, decisive action without benefit of the usual safety nets, which can often reveal inner resources and abilities we wouldn’t have otherwise known we possessed.

At the very least, overcoming difficult circumstances always causes growth and the development of your human capital. No matter what happens, nothing can take that away from you. So if you find yourself in the midst of adversity, try looking at it from a different angle: Hardship always hurts, but you may be in the perfect position to make a major leap forward on your journey toward success and personal fulfillment.

Some of the most successful people in business today have built their accomplishments upon the very experiences that seem to promise failure. When you can overcome adversity and bring the positive lessons you learned to bear on your business and in your personal life, you’ve set yourself up for extraordinary success. If you’re one of the few who have yet to experience significant adversity, you can still learn from and be inspired by those who exemplify the adversity paradox.

When difficult circumstances arrive, banish thoughts of negativity, discouragement or surrender. Take responsibility for any role you played in creating the setback, but don’t get caught up in blaming yourself or engaging in the kind of self-pity that precludes action. Implement a straight-A approach:

Accept whatever hardship has come your way. Tempting as it may be to try to avoid responsibility or negative consequences, you won’t get anywhere by denying the facts.

Analyze the situation so you can determine how to prevent the same mistake and so you can learn everything possible.

Approach the challenge with the right attitude, a positive frame of mind, and with the intent to make adversity your friend.

Harness the power of “and then some” with each of these steps, and you’re well on your way to uncommon success.

 So get on the unconventional path to business success right now. Find opportunity in obstacles. Regard setbacks as a chance to start anew with more focused intentions. Befriend adversity and let the adversity paradox lead you into a realm of business and personal success you never suspected was possible.

This essay is excerpted from “The Adversity Paradox” by Des Moines businessmen J. Barry Griswell and Bob Jennings.