Global Insurance Symposium schedules for April; format remains TBD


The Global Insurance Symposium announced its 2021 conference will be held on April 26-28. This event will host insurance professionals from around the world and will feature an extensive slate of dynamic panel discussions led by preeminent executives and dignitaries, interactive demonstrations of new technologies and opportunities for attendees to help shape the future of the industry. Organizers will determine at the beginning of 2021 whether the symposium will be a virtual, hybrid or in-person event at the Community Choice Credit Union Convention Center in Downtown Des Moines. The event has been hosted annually since 2014 by the Greater Des Moines Partnership, the Iowa Insurance Division, the Iowa Economic Development Authority and Iowa insurance firms. For more information, including forthcoming registration dates (early 2021) and the format of the 2021 Global Insurance Symposium, as well as sponsorship opportunities, visit

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