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Guest opinion: 3 ways to help eliminate housing insecurity


By Becky Hansel, Principal, Invision
Chair, YMCA Supportive Housing Campus board of managers

In recent months, there has been a lot of media coverage of homelessness and housing insecurity in the Des Moines metro. This is a complicated topic, one that requires awareness, understanding – and action. 

Homelessness is on the rise. More than 20% of Iowans experiencing housing insecurity are right here in Polk County. As the chairperson of the YMCA of Greater Des Moines’ Supportive Housing Campus (Y-SHC) board of managers, I have learned a great deal about housing insecurity and homelessness firsthand.

It’s obvious, but the solution to homelessness is simple: housing.

The Y-SHC, at 2 S.W. Ninth St., is home to 140 residents who take part in wraparound support services and a true community. It operates from a proven “Housing First” model: Without a permanent, safe, supportive place to call home, a person cannot achieve their goals.

Housing First was a revolutionary idea when it was first introduced in the 1990s because it didn’t require anything from someone experiencing homelessness for them to get permanent housing. Instead, its premise – since confirmed by years of research – was that when basic needs such as food and a place to live are met, people are better able to address their individual root causes for being homeless.

The Y-SHC provides a solution that exists on a spectrum of support services in the metro. The Y-SHC has been proved to significantly reduce or end chronic homelessness. Housing First has worked here in Des Moines since 2011, and it has worked across the U.S. – in some cases reducing homelessness by 88% and lowering public costs associated with the use of shelters, hospitals, jails and prisons.

But the need persists: At any one time, there are approximately 120 people on the Y-SHC’s waitlist, and with more than 600 homeless people in the metro right now, we need to do more. Here are some ways you can help:

1.Understand housing insecurity. From a lack of affordable housing to ongoing pandemic effects to rising costs, there are myriad intersecting reasons a person can become homeless. It is not an exaggeration to say that many people are only one paycheck away from housing security risk. Learn more about the Y-SHC on its Facebook page.

2. Become part of the solution. We’re always looking for volunteers. Each person who helps to solve homelessness is needed, because every person who becomes homeless has unique needs. Every case is individualized and requires financial, staff and volunteer support. This tailored approach is what creates stability and a support system for each resident.

3. Support the Y’s work. Donations go a long way in helping us immediately support our residents. By donating today, you can help the Y take a solution that’s working and expand its effectiveness to help residents find stability and success.

We have longer-term ideas and goals in mind: We would love to build another Supportive Housing Campus to serve more of the people on our waiting list. By taking action now, we can address the immediate needs for those experiencing housing insecurity while we plan for the future.