GUEST OPINION: Giving back is good business
Business leaders today recognize the importance of corporate citizenship. Giving back to the local community is an essential part of a conscientious business model. It creates consumer confidence, attracts and retains employees and builds good will for your organization. And many business leaders believe it’s just the right thing to do.
The Capital Crossroads community visioning plan showed that Greater Des Moines has a long history of forward-thinking public and private leadership. We are fortunate to have such a giving business community.
According to the 2010 Giving USA report, corporate giving accounted for $15.89 billion of a total $290.89 billion donated in 2010. These corporate gifts were up more than 10 percent from 2009. Many corporations are committed to rebuilding their giving programs after the economic downturn.
The Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines works with businesses every day to create corporate giving programs that meet the needs of the business while providing expert philanthropic guidance.
Here are some ways to get your business started:
Start a matching gifts program. This allows your company to add to employees’ donations designated for nonprofit organizations. Encourage charitable giving while showing appreciation for your workers.
Encourage volunteerism. Show employees you care about their causes. Consider allocating volunteer hours, as you would sick time or vacation time.
Give to appropriate nonprofits. Businesses align their giving with nonprofits that match their values and to community causes they care about. Research local charities whose work and philosophy align with your business goals and passion. The best way to get started is to write a check, but also consider a plan for future giving.
Build a corporate fund. The Community Foundation works with businesses to establish corporate giving funds. We provide professional investment and charitable gift program management. A committee of leaders from your organization selects where gifts from your fund are distributed. Your organization receives immediate tax benefits, even if you decide to distribute the funds at a later date. Giving through the Community Foundation provides businesses access to Endow Iowa Tax Credits, a 25 percent Iowa tax credit, in addition to normal federal deductions for certain charitable gifts.
Set up corporate scholarship funds. Your organization can support students studying in your field with scholarships.
We invite you to explore the possibilities of enhancing your corporate giving program. Creating a world-class community includes investing in it and the people who live here. Giving back is just good business.
Kristi Knous is president and chief operating officer of the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines.