Guest opinion: Honor those who encouraged your journey


By Caroline Quinn | Student, Iowa State University

When I first chose business at Iowa State, it was due to attending the Young Women in Business Conference on campus in high school. At the conference, I met college girls with big goals and dreams for their future and professional women who made me feel that the business world was a place for me. I left feeling that I had figured out an area of the workforce that I could take on.

Since coming to the Iowa State University Ivy College of Business, I’ve had no shortage of female role models. Faculty advisers for my club encouraged me to take on more projects and leadership opportunities than I would have thought I was capable of, like presenting at a business ethics case competition in Arizona. The female director of my department in the Office of Admissions encouraged me to interview for a paid leadership position that led to me speaking for audiences of hundreds for an entire summer at freshman orientation. The woman who is currently my supervisor at work chose me for a project intended for a graduate student because she believed that I was just as capable.

All of these experiences have resulted in the most personal growth I could have experienced in college. The women that I already looked up to, and respected, took the time to mentor me and reached out to let me know they believed in me. The impact of their place in my life has been huge.

Women encouraging other women is incredibly important. Every one of those women who encouraged me caused me to do things greater than I imagined I could. Without their influence and encouragement, I might never have gone outside my comfort zone or been given opportunities that have changed me for the better.

That is why it’s so crucial to recognize women of influence, who truly change the lives of other women in their places of work, communities and beyond. Seeing other women succeed and thrive in their element and support the women around them along the way is something that inspires and touches my heart, and does the same for many other women in college. Without women to look up to and be influenced by, we might never know what we are truly capable of or believe ourselves capable of it.

The Ivy Women in Business Awards is just one way to do this. Last year I was inspired when I was asked to introduce Iowa State’s first female president, Wendy Wintersteen, at the inaugural Ivy Women in Business Awards ceremony. Hearing from women like her who are truly paving the way for other women is what continues to motivate me to achieve my best, and inspire women in business and beyond.

Please consider lifting up a woman who encouraged you and had an impact on your life by submitting a nomination for the second Ivy Women in Business Awards. There’s a category for men, too. The deadline for nominations is this week: Jan. 31. Recipients will be honored at a ceremony on March 27. Click hereto get started.

Caroline Quinn is an Ivy College of Business student at Iowa State University. She is majoring in marketing and management.

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