House Republicans have a budget plan


Immigrants, preschoolers and college professors will lose funding under a budget plan that Iowa House Republicans say will save $500 million.

Soon to be the majority party in the House of Representatives, the caucus said in a news release that the Taxpayers First Act will be the first piece of legislation passed during the upcoming legislative session.

The bill would create a Taxpayer Relief Fund that would capture any budget surplus and direct it back to taxpayers, House Republicans said in a news release.

Here are some provisions of the proposed legislation:

  • Charge all state employees a minimum $50 monthly fee for health insurance. Charge legislators and their staffs a health insurance premium.
  • Prohibit new vehicle purchases for general use.
  • Reduce office supplies, service contracts, equipment purchases by 50 percent.
  • Combine all state information technology systems except Homeland Security.
  • Direct the Department of Administrative Services to develop a request for proposal to sell or lease the Iowa Communications Network
  • Reduce funding for library acquisitions at Regents universities by 50 percent.
  • Reduce the Department of Natural Resources land acquisition for fiscal 2011 by 100 percent.
  • Freeze out-of-state travel funded from the general fund.
  • End all state benefits to adult illegal immigrants.
  • Enforce residency requirements for all human services programs.
  • Direct the Education Appropriations budget subcommittee to combine the administrative functions at the Regents universities to find efficiencies.
  • Eliminate voluntary preschool and direct the Education committee to create a new voucher program.
  • Eliminate the Power Fund, after current liabilities are funded.
  • Eliminate the Office of Energy Independence.
  • Eliminate core curriculum, with the Education Committee establishing new standards as of July 1.
  • Cancel all Regents university sabbaticals for 18 months.
  • Eliminate all smoking cessation programs.
  • Eliminate the state family planning waiver.
  • Eliminate the Rebuild Iowa Office and shift responsibility to Homeland Security.
  • Eliminate $8.5 million for a passenger rail project.
  • Eliminate $30 million for sustainable communities.
  • Cut the Area Education Associations by $10 million; have them use reserves or make cuts to fund the difference.
  • Eliminate the Grow Iowa Values Fund beginning July 1 and freeze remaining unencumbered appropriations for fiscal 2011.
  • Eliminate the “Save our small business” fund and revert unencumbered funds.
  • Repeal current mental health statute, mandate new system that includes $125 million in dollar-for-dollar property tax relief by July 1, 2013.

Republicans said savings from the cuts would be realized over three years.