How generous are you?
Last week, we began exploring’s top 11 consumer trends for 2011. I’ve gone through all the trends and pulled out two that I believe every business, big and small, should be tracking for this next year.
After outlining the trend for this column, I’ve added a few questions for you to think about as you map out next year’s strategy.
Trend No. 8: Emerging Generosity. This trend is about consumer expectations and how our customers want us to behave. Do as they hope, and we’re rewarded with their monetary “vote.” Disappoint them, and our competitors will clean up.
As trust wanes and customers (both business-to-consumer and business-to-business) grow even more skeptical, we will increasingly be expected to give, donate, care and sympathize, as opposed to just sell and take.
Question re Trend No. 8: This trend ties to the trend we discussed last week: random acts of kindness. But now the generosity isn’t aimed at your consumers; it’s offered to the world. Or at least your part of the world.
Now, this isn’t just closing your eyes and choosing a charity to support. It’s recognizing the right fit. And if it’s not a genuine win-win, then it isn’t your cause marketing partner. Once you think you have the right charity, ask yourself these three questions:
What cause is the perfect fit for your brand?
How can you engage your employees and customers in the cause?
How do you tell the world about your efforts without bragging?
Every business should be thinking about how to capitalize on these trends. Check out all 11 at
Drew McLellan is Top Dog at McLellan Marketing Group and blogs at He can be reached at © 2010 Drew McLellan