How much space does Des Moines devote to parking downtown?
About 26% of the land in downtown Des Moines is dedicated to parking, either through surface lots or in parking garages, a new report by Parking Reform Network shows. The network is a nonprofit advocacy group that is pushing for fewer surface lots and garages nationwide. The network recently expanded its online Parking Lot Map to included medium-sized cities like Des Moines. Nationwide, the median percentage of land used solely for parking was 26%, the group reported. The percentage of land used for parking in the 102 downtowns surveyed by the group ranges from less than 1% in New York City to 48.9% in San Bernardino, according to the group’s report. The network advocates for transforming the surface parking lots and garages into residential or commercial developments or parks. “Cities with high parking have ample land that could be devoted to building walkable neighborhoods, vibrant parks or office districts,” the group wrote on its website.