HUD makes $123 million available to address youth homelessness; $1 million to Iowa nonprofit

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development awarded $51.1 million in youth homelessness system improvement grants to 38 communities across 26 states, Puerto Rico and Guam. The youth homelessness system improvement grants are the first of their kind and will fund projects that create youth action boards, collect and use data on at-risk youth and develop community leaders. The Institute for Community Alliances, a Des Moines-based nonprofit, will receive $1,008,159 in youth homelessness system improvement funds. Additionally, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development released a $72 million funding opportunity for the fiscal year 2023 Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program and supportive services programs. These include rapid rehousing, permanent supportive housing, transitional housing, host homes and wrap-around services such as education, health and workforce support to help youth access and maintain housing. “We know that preventing and ending youth homelessness takes a full community effort that requires support from all of our partners,” said HUD acting secretary Adrianne Todman in a prepared statement.