IEDA awards Main Street Challenge grants for projects in 13 communities
BUSINESS RECORD STAFF Oct 21, 2021 | 7:51 pm
1 min read time
173 wordsAll Latest News, Economic DevelopmentMore than $1.2 million has been awarded to 13 communities for improvements to Main Street buildings. The awards were announced in a release Wednesday by the Iowa Economic Development Authority. The Main Street Iowa Challenge Grants have been instrumental in revitalizing the state’s historic main streets, IEDA Director Debi Durham said in the release. “Reinvesting in our traditional commercial districts is good business,” she said. “It’s good for our economy and good for our state. These projects will bring new businesses and new residents to our downtown districts.” The grants will be administered by IEDA’s Iowa Downtown Resource Center and Main Street Iowa programs. The funds are distributed in the form of matching grants. The total estimated cost of the 13 projects is more than $3.6 million. Michael Wagler, state coordinator for the Main Street Iowa program, said the projects represent growing momentum for downtown and community revitalization. “This investment in catalytic projects across Iowa will have a significant economic impact and help strengthen local creative placemaking efforts,” he said in the release.