Indianola, Simpson College launch committee to enhance community partnerships


Simpson College and the city of Indianola have formed the Indianola-Simpson Town and Gown Committee to find new ways to enhance and expand community partnerships, according to a news release. The committee, led by co-chairs Simpson President Jay Byers and Indianola Mayor Stephanie Erickson, includes local Simpson alumni, city officials, Indianola Chamber of Commerce members, business owners, Indianola Community School District officials and Warren County leaders. The committee will meet regularly to develop formal and informal shared initiatives. “Collaboration is key to progress, and this is the perfect time for the city of Indianola and Simpson College to come together with a renewed sense of purpose and possibilities,” Erickson said in a prepared statement. “Through this committee, our aim is to explore untapped potential that amplifies our shared values and resonates with the spirit of our citizens. We are poised to continue doing some truly special things together that elevate, enhance and enrich our vibrant community.” Recent partnerships include the Storm the Night Festival held during Simpson’s homecoming. Future initiatives will focus on generating opportunities for more shared programming and participation in city, community and campus events, and increasing engagement and cross promotion between Simpson and Indianola businesses and schools, the release said.

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