Innovative Captive Strategies partners with Innovative Program Solutions


Innovative Captive Strategies (ICS), a subsidiary of Holmes Murphy providing insurance consulting and management, has announced a strategic partnership with Innovative Program Solutions (IPS), a full-service managing general agent. The partnership includes the launch of CaptiveXS, an umbrella excess insurance product designed for ICS captive clients. According to a news release, CaptiveXS was developed in response to volatility in the umbrella/excess market and aims to leverage the risk management and safety track records of ICS captive members to deliver a sustainable, cost-effective alternative to the traditional insurance market. IPS is serving as the program administrator; SiriusPoint, a global specialty insurer and reinsurer based in Bermuda, serves as the carrier partner; and Creative Risk Solutions is the program’s third-party administrator. “The excess/umbrella market has posed significant challenges for our broker partners and group captive clients,” Stephani Manning, president of ICS, said in a prepared statement. “ICS captive members continue to outperform the traditional market due to their commitment to proactive risk management. This has allowed our partner IPS to create a valuable solution to compete with existing program limits and offer competitive pricing.”