INSIDER: D.C. brass discuss Guard base compromise in DSM
PERRY BEEMAN Jan 12, 2016 | 9:06 pm
1 min read time
206 wordsBusiness Record Insider, Government Policy and Law, Real Estate and Development, TransportationThe brass in Washington are discussing a deal that could allow Des Moines International Airport to develop part of the Iowa Air National Guard base on its grounds, if the Des Moines Airport Authority board agrees to continue to offer cheap rent to the military.
That was the news from a Dec. 17 meeting between the Federal Aviation Administration and the House Armed Services Committee, said Kevin Foley, airport executive director and general manager. Foley said this was the first sign of progress in years of stalemate with the Guard over the future of its lease at the airport.
“We have the right people talking, and they are willing to compromise,” Foley said. He hasn’t heard of further action since the December meeting.
Foley said the airport wants the 30-acre Guard base taxiway back so it can be used for airport hangars and temporary housing for cargo operations when the new airport terminal is built. The current lease covers 172 acres.
Col. Greg Hapgood, a Guard spokesman, said local military officials are still awaiting an FAA determination on whether plans to add helicopters at the airport would qualify the base for $1 per year rent, which has been in question since the fighter jets left town.