Iowa Architect announced election of three members to editorial board

The American Institute of Architects, Iowa Chapter (AIA Iowa) has elected Cheryl Peterson, Brian Warthen and Steve Miller to the Iowa Architect magazine editorial board. The magazine and its editorial board showcase the best in architecture in Iowa and Minnesota, and guide design, the arts, literature and innovative products and technology. The board meets quarterly. Here is more about each new board member:

  • Peterson is an architect and preservation specialist at the State Historic Preservation Office for the state of Iowa. She provides guidance and technical assistance to rehabilitation projects statewide and reviewing state and federal historic preservation tax credit applications.
  • Warthen is an architect with Neumann Monson Architects in Des Moines. He also currently is an associate professor of practice at Iowa State University, and is a member of the AIA board.
  • Miller is a director at Slingshot Architecture in Iowa City. He is chair of the Iowa City Public Art Advisory Committee, and previously served as president of the South East Section of Iowa AIA.