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Iowa laundromats partner with state on Safe at Home awareness


Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate announced his office is partnering with laundromat owners across Iowa to raise awareness for Safe at Home, an address confidentiality program for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, trafficking and stalking. Pate’s office is sending Safe at Home brochures and stickers to Iowa laundromats, encouraging them to prominently display the materials. The effort is being done in conjunction with Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October. “As we did with hair salons across Iowa, we’re distributing this information to businesses where there’s a good chance it will get into the hands of someone who needs it,” Pate said in a release. Iowa’s Safe at Home program currently has more than 550 participants across 60 counties. Requests for complimentary Safe at Home stickers, brochures and posters to place in businesses or agencies can made by contacting SafeatHome@iowa.gov.