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Leading the Way with JOY!



For 76 years, WesleyLife has led the way in doing all the good we can in all the ways we can to all those we can, serving as a thought leader, a philanthropic leader, and as an organization that has evolved while holding true to the foundations that have influenced and encouraged us all these years. Guided by Christian compassion, we support the independence, health, and well-being of older adults — wherever they call home! 

Now, supported by the strength of this unchanging but ever-strengthening mission, we’re taking up the torch to be the most dynamic and inclusive champion to revolutionize the experience of aging. We owe that to the customers we serve, to those we will serve in the future, and to each other. 

Revolutionizing the Experience of Aging 

Why are we doing this? Because we realized a need to think differently about a customer that is changing in their attitude toward aging — in needs and wants, and in overall vision about how aging should look and feel. We are all aging, but nothing magical happens at 72 or 82 or 102 or beyond that causes us to think collectively as “old people.” We are who we are, and for most of us, how we want aging to “look” for us is similar to how we’ve always wanted our lives to look. We want to consistently achieve a sense of meaning and purpose around what we do … and we want to cultivate, find, and know a sense of joy in all we do. 

Along with that realization around what we want as we age came an evolved organizational focus: providing the opportunity to pursue joy as a part of the experience of aging. 

Why Joy?

Why joy? Good question. Joy is more than happiness. It’s consistent and lasting — a deep feeling that arises from collective elements that bring fulfillment. People sometimes describe joy as an emotion evoked by well-being — a state of consistent and continued contentment. It forms the foundation of all our other feelings; we may be dealing with sadness or frustration, but being joyful informs the way we deal with the challenges that come our way. 

Through research, we’ve learned that being joyful can boost our immune systems, help us become more resilient, fight stress and pain, and improve our chances of living a healthier and even longer life — all important components in our commitment to enhancing the health and well-being of all whose lives we touch. 

We also believe more completely every day that a focus on joy can re-align the conversation on the perceptions of aging — and we support this focus by providing the opportunity to pursue joy in any phase of the aging experience.

Join Us!

Moving forward, as you think about the experience of aging, we’re asking you to join us in championing the pursuit of joy: to integrate joy into the way you think, the way you work, the way you serve, and the experiences you help create for those around you, and for yourself. 

We hope you’ll stay with us in this New Year as we begin to share ways to recognize and confront the stigma of ageism, focusing instead on opportunities for growth, experience, meaning and joy as we age. The future is ours for the making — and at any point, a purposeful, joyous life can be pursued and fully lived! Visit wesleylife.org today to learn more.