Legislature opens; things to know


This year’s session of the Iowa Legislature gaveled in at 10 a.m today. The first week is often full of pomp and organizational work, but there are a few things to keep in mind. 

— Gov. Kim Reynolds will give her first Condition of the State address on Tuesday. Iowa Public Television will air the speech and livestream it at iptv.org. It will be rebroadcast on IPTV at 7 p.m. Tuesday.

— Here’s a look at the Legislature’s main calendar.

— Water quality will be debated early in the session. Here’s our look at the issue.

— Need to call a lawmaker? Here’s a list of key contact information at the Statehouse.

— Wonder who is pushing or opposing a bill? Here are the lobbyist declarations.

— Looking for specific legislation? Search bills here.

— Want to check what’s going on in the chambers? You can watch here.