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Majority of Iowa districts now offer financial literacy course


More than 350 Roosevelt High School seniors today were recognized for completing the Iowa Financial Literacy Program, sponsored by EverFi Inc., Principal Financial Group Inc. and the Iowa Insurance Division. The online program, which is a graduation requirement for all students in the Des Moines Independent Community School District, uses electronic games and avatars to provide financial literacy lessons in a format that students enjoy, said Iowa Insurance Commissioner Nick Gerhart. The program, which has been offered since 2010, is provided at no cost to schools by EverFi, an online education company. In the past two years, more than 25,000 Iowa students have completed the course. Sixty-two percent of Iowa’s school districts participated in the program in the past school year, a figure that Gerhart said he’d like to see increase to 100 percent.

Read a related  article about financial literacy onBusinessRecord.com.