Make-A-Wish Iowa CEO and president dismissed after ‘financial irregularities’ discovered
BPC Staff Jul 13, 2020 | 4:18 pm
1 min read time
119 wordsAll Latest News, Arts and Culture, Statewide News“Financial irregularities” discovered in an internal compliance by Make-A-Wish Iowa prompted the dismissal of the organization’s CEO and president, the Des Moines Register reported. Board Chair Joshua Norton said in a statement that the organization is “working on assessing the full extent of these irregularities and determining next steps. … As an established non-profit organization with the single purpose of transforming the lives of children with critical illnesses, we are sad and disappointed by these events.” The Register reported CEO and President Jennifer Woodley has been dismissed, and Vice President of Mission Development Rachel Reams is serving as interim CEO as Make-A-Wish Iowa begins a new CEO search. Woodley began her role with the organization in August 2019.