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For over 25 years, the Business Record has recognized women who have made outstanding contributions to the community in a variety of areas with the Women of Influence awards. Awards will be presented at a reception on Thursday, Aug. 1.

The Women of Influence awards celebrate the work of women who have made a difference. They have devoted their lives to doing things most wouldn’t. They have spent countless hours on various boards and are role models with impeccable ethics. They have blazed a trail either personally or professionally for other women to follow.

The Women of Influence event will recognize Central Iowa women for their contributions in the public or private sector. Winners are chosen based on the impact they have made in their chosen field or for their contributions through civic and philanthropic organizations. This event will also award the Woman Business Owner of the Year and Emerging Woman of Influence.


The Business Record’s Women of Influence awards celebrate the work of women who have made a difference. They’ve devoted their lives to doing things most wouldn’t. They’ve spent countless hours on various boards and they’ve blazed a trail either personally or professionally for other women to follow.

Now more than ever, we need leaders who operate with strength, resilience and empathy. The 2024 Women of Influence honorees exemplify these characteristics. Their stories of work, both past and present, are inspiring, especially in a time when we need role models who offer humility and thoughtfulness.

This year’s honorees dedicate time, resources and effort to businesses and community organizations. They lead in top roles at large organizations and at small organizations that punch above their weight class. They plan initiatives and strategies that are transforming Greater Des Moines and its citizens. They have earned multiple degrees. They come from different backgrounds. They have overcome challenges and embraced opportunities.

They are influential not simply because of what they do or have done but also because of who they are.

This is the 25th year the Business Record has honored inspiring and influential women. They’ve amassed a tremendous amount of experience and wisdom and showcased integrity, grace and intelligence.

We hope their stories inspire you as much as they’ve inspired us.

— Emily Barske Wood, Business Record special projects editor

Women of Influence photos by Duane Tinkey

Rona social

Rona Berinobis

Senior vice president of corporate social responsibility, organizational development and internal communications, Athene USA

Monica social

Monica Chavez-Silva

Vice president for community engagement and strategic planning, Grinnell College

Jean social

Jean Duffy

Senior vice president and principal, CapTrust

Miriam social

Miriam Erickson Brown

Chair and CEO, Anderson Erickson Dairy

Jann social

Jann Freed

Owner and leadership development consultant, Jann E. Freed LLC

Myrna social

Myrna Johnson

Executive director, Iowa Public Radio

Rachelle social

Rachelle Keck

President, Grand View University

Deidre social

Deidre Williams

Vice president of organizational effectiveness, EMC Insurance

Jenna social

Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines Emerging Woman of Influence

Jenna Knox

Foundation director, Mission Cancer + Blood

Melissa social

Iowa State University Ivy College of Business Woman Business Owner of the Year

Melissa Ness

Founder and CEO, Connectify HR

Women of Influence Event

Thursday, Aug. 1   |   Downtown Marriott   |   Networking 4-5:15 p.m.   |   Program 5:15-7 p.m.

Corporate Table Information

With the purchase of a corporate table you and your business will be able to fully engage in recognizing the honorees and support this group’s accomplishments live in the room. Your company will also have an ad presence in the Business Record edition that features the honorees. Secure your corporate table sponsorship by June 28. There are a limited number of tables available.

Past Honorees

2023 woi landing

2023 Women of Influence

2022 Women of Influence

Prev Years WOI22
Prev Years WOI21

2021 Women of Influence


The Women of Influence awards celebrate the work of women who have made a difference either in their civic and philanthropic works or in their chosen fields.

The deadline for nominations is Friday, May 3 at noon. Awards will be presented at the event on Thursday, Aug. 1.

We are accepting nominations for the following honors:



  • Success in their chosen field.
  • Lasting impact on the community.
  • Involvement with civic and nonprofit organizations.
  • Role model for other women through their achievements and ethical standards.



  • Significant achievement and success through their company.
  • Personal and professional reputation showing high ethical standards.
  • Investment in time mentoring others.
  • Strong business community network connections.
  • Education and professional experience.
  • History of the company and impact individual has had on the organization.



  • Is successful in her chosen field.
  • Has made significant contributions to the community through nonprofit, civic and philanthropic involvement.
  • Has a personal and professional reputation showing high integrity and ethical standards.
  • Continues to advance in her chosen field and/or is moving into further leadership positions in the community.