MPO seeking public input on local transportation project funding


The Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is asking for public input on which of 27 local transportation projects should receive federal grant funding. Public comments will be open through Feb. 28. The MPO has approximately $18 million in available Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBG) funding and $1.8 million in available Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) funding. The organization has requested approximately $40 million from the STBG program, and about $4 million from TAP. Both grant programs are funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation and administered by the MPO. The projects under consideration include roadways, bridges, transit buses, trails, sidewalks and signage. In addition to public comments, the MPO scores projects on how well they help meet the regional performance measures established in Mobilizing Tomorrow, the region’s long-range transportation plan. Once awarded, the grants will be allocated in the federal fiscal year 2029. An online interactive map with project descriptions is available here. To view the list of projects being considered or submit comments, click here