Newcomer’s Guide: Staying plugged in


The Business Record will be your tool to consistently use for staying plugged in long after you’ve been operating in the community. Of course, becoming a member and getting our products will keep you up to date with all the news, initiatives and topics you need to do business better, but here are a few ways you can use our resources to make a deeper connection with us, be in our products and continually build your credibility in the business community.

Introduce yourself to the community in the Business Record 
The Business Record newsroom often writes short stories about people when a business announces a new hire for a key leadership position. So it’s quite possible we already did that for you. Regardless of whether we have or haven’t, one of our key roles is helping introduce new players in the community to other business leaders at a level deeper than a press release can go. We do this primarily through a feature we call “Closer Look,” which is a question-and-answer interview. If you think you’re a good fit for this feature, which is typically reserved for top leaders at an organization, email me at And don’t be shy or wait until you have everything figured out. These often don’t run for a few weeks after the interview, but it’s a great way to soften the ground and encourage people to reach out your way.

TIP: Submit an “On the Move”
Even if your position isn’t at the top of an organization, for free you can submit a photo and information about your new position to be considered for publication each week in our “On the Move” feature. The section is often used by readers to reach out and congratulate people on their new jobs. Submit here:

Position yourself as a thought-leader
At some point you or your company will have news to share with the business community. You might think it’s as simple as sending a press release to every media company in the area. And while that might be the right course of action on occasion, learning how to interact with our newsroom can go a long way toward maximizing how frequently and prominently you and your business are featured. I wrote a three-part series that explores in detail how to get a story in our products, but in short, you want to position yourself as a resource for the newsroom. When you do that, by extension you’ll see your voice included in more articles, which can help build your credibility and position you as a thought leader in the community. Read the series: 

Meet me and your beat reporter
Reach out and ask to meet with us: I want to help and get to know you. But I might also direct you to work with one of our senior staff writers, who each are responsible for covering specific industries. Read bios on all of our writers and learn the areas they cover:

Attend Business Record events
Our events are tailored specifically for the business community and are prime opportunities to learn and network with the area’s top decision-makers. Here are a few to check out:

Book of Lists unveiling: In early January, join us for the new year’s first major networking opportunity and get your own copy of the must-have Book of Lists.

Economic forecast: This late-January luncheon panel discussion highlights economic trends for the coming year.

Power Breakfast series: Join us three times a year for power networking and a panel discussion on key business issues moderated by the Business Record newsroom.

Awards ceremonies: In March, mingle with the top 40 up-and-comers under the age of 40 when we honor our Forty Under 40 class. In August, we honor key female leaders at our Women of Influence event. And dsm Magazine honors established community leaders at Sages Over 70 in November.


TIP: Interact with us
We are constantly taking nominations for our awards programs, surveying our audience for opinions and hosting events. Participating is a great way to connect with the community.

Read dsm Magazine, to stay plugged into the arts and culture community
No resource will help you plug in to our rich arts and culture scene like our sister publication dsm Magazine. Every other month dsm delivers stunning visuals and engaging stories that will likely disrupt your expectations of Des Moines. We celebrate each publication at a free unveiling party, which is attended by a who’s who list of people from the cultural community. In addition, dsm sends out a free weekly e-newsletter. Sign up and learn more: We’d also encourage you to reach out to dsm’s staff, including Magazine Manager Kris Maggard – – and Editor Christine Riccelli –