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NOTEBOOK: Election wisdom from A. Arthur Davis


As Greater Des Moines Partnership CEO Jay Byers wrapped up an investor event this morning at the downtown Embassy Club, he drew upon the wisdom of the late A. Arthur Davis to leave the audience of business leaders with a bit of hope and a challenge as we await the results of tonight’s divisive election. Byers quoted Davis — who was a partner at Davis Brown Law Firm, former mayor of Des Moines and onetime president of what is now the Partnership — as having once said, “A good law firm never loses an election.” Byers went on to say, much like Davis’ quote, that regardless of the outcome, our region won’t lose. He called for the leaders in the room and for business leaders in the community to be positive examples in the wake of the election, so that the community could move beyond the divisiveness of the election and begin healing and working together to drive the region forward regardless of the political strife. I like it — and have no doubt our region will respond better than most. I like the image of a strong region, like Greater Des Moines, shrugging its shoulders, dusting itself off and getting right back to solving the challenges in our community.