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NOTEBOOK – One Good Read: Bud Light touches nerve with corn syrup Super Bowl ads


Corn is serious business in Iowa, as we’re the No. 1 producer in the U.S. So you might be glad to know that the National Corn Growers Association has come to corn producers’ defense after a Super Bowl ad took aim at the corn syrup sweetener. The Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier picked up this Associated Press story: “Bud Light attacked rival brands in its Super Bowl ads, but it was the corn industry that felt stung. The spots trolled rival brands that use corn syrup. One showed a medieval caravan schlepping a huge barrel of corn syrup to castles owned by Miller and Coors. The National Corn Growers Association rebuked the brand for boasting that Bud Light does not use the ingredient.” If you’d like a recap of the Super Bowl’s real star — advertising, you can find plenty of coverage by USA Today.

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