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NOTEBOOK – ONE GOOD READ: Day of Action brings out 450 volunteers for more than 60 projects


I wanted to use this space today to update you on something the Business Record reported on a couple of weeks ago. The United Way of Central Iowa Day of Action was held Sept. 13. It’s the day each year that the United Way and its company partners come together to volunteer their time to help with projects for nonprofit organizations that wouldn’t otherwise have the resources to complete the projects on their own. This year’s projects ranged from reading to third graders to painting a homeless shelter. This year’s Day of Action brought out 450 volunteers who completed more than 60 projects for 20 organizations. More than 1,800 hours were volunteered this year, which according to a news release translates into more than $55,000 in economic impact for the nonprofit organizations that participated this year. United Way of Central Iowa President Mary Sellers says the Day of Action helps employees at companies to engage in efforts to address challenges in the community. She says it also allows nonprofits and schools to get the critical support they need.