NOTEBOOK – ONE GOOD READ: Downtown is dead — long live cities
JOE GARDYASZ Aug 3, 2021 | 3:26 pm
1 min read time
148 wordsAll Latest News, Arts and Culture, Business Record Insider, The Insider NotebookHere’s an interesting read from Marker that takes a look at how the era of traditional central business districts of the largest U.S. cities may have reached a new tipping point, and the opportunities that it brings for metro communities. The article lays out the case for remaking cities’ central districts: “As we shift towards a world where identity isn’t tied to work, why should our cities resemble the same antiquated priorities? Cities cannot, and should not, be shaped by the whims of corporations or their transient commuters. This isn’t anti-capitalist, or anti-economic development, but rather common sense.” While it doesn’t mention the Des Moines metro area, DSM’s transformative projects downtown over the past decade — which at this point have taken on serious positive momentum — should tell us that Greater Des Moines is far ahead of the pack in how its central business district has developed.