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NOTEBOOK – ONE GOOD READ: Road to table: Wyoming’s got a new app for claiming roadkill


While listening to NPR’s “Wait, Wait Don’t Tell Me” program over the weekend, I heard the panel discuss this new feature in Wyoming’s Department of Transportation app allowing passersby to claim accidentally killed deer, elk, moose, wild bison or wild turkey for eating. They joked it would result in someone never being invited to a dinner party again. But, as this Associated Press article explains, it’s not as wild as it may sound, and may ultimately help reduce wildlife deaths. In the app, users document the animal and where it was found and review the rules for collecting roadkill to eat before taking it with them. It makes for a quicker and sometimes safer disposal, and no one will be dispatched to collect roadkill at night, along interstate highways, in construction zones or from national parks. The locations are geotagged in the app, providing data to the department that can inform on where to place wildlife crossing signs and other potential strategies to protect critters as they cross the road. Even if you’re not game, the technology offers a solution to a common problem.