NOTEBOOK – One Good Read: Surviving social isolation for your personality type


If you’re anything like me, you love personality tests. Yes, I subscribe to multiple newsletters specific to my personality. And yes, it is a highlight of my week. And right now, getting through this pandemic looks very different based on your personality. I found it really helpful reading through this 16 Personalities assessment of the current situation. This in particular stood out to me: “With extended lockdowns, many Judging personality types will get very restless if they don’t feel like they are accomplishing anything.” Note: Judging does not mean judgmental, but has more to do with how someone views planning and organization. I am one of those people, but I’ve also had to learn that some nights an accomplishment is simply spending time doing absolutely nothing to have needed time to relax. And hey, if you’re really bored, take a personality test. I could recommend one … or 30.