NOTEBOOK – One Good Read: The Listmaker
KATE HAYDEN Sep 27, 2019 | 7:46 pm
1 min read time
129 wordsArts and Culture, Business Record Insider, The Insider NotebookForbes’ annual 30 Under 30 list catches massive attention when it is released — but the pressure to select and be selected does not always result in tangible benefits, the Information reports. “For Forbes, the venerable magazine publisher, the Under 30 franchise has become a big moneymaker, providing the cornerstone for a lucrative live events business, including an annual summit in the U.S., packed with corporate sponsors and featuring celebrity speakers, concerts and group workouts. … To critics, though, the list is a celebration of privileged networkers and the frenzy to get on it a lamentable symbol of hustle culture, the boastful spirit of workaholism and accolade-mongering that preoccupies some young professionals. Forbes reporters who worked on the list say they have increasingly struggled to find exceptional nominees.”