NOTEBOOK – ONE GOOD READ: What does politeness mean now?
EMILY BARSKE Jul 2, 2021 | 3:38 pm
1 min read time
128 wordsAll Latest News, Arts and Culture, Business Record Insider, The Insider NotebookI said at the beginning of the pandemic that I’d be perfectly fine if handshakes never came back post-COVID. I personally enjoy the fist bump or simply greeting someone with a hello. Since being vaccinated and returning to some regular activities, I’ve gone back to the handshake when others have extended their hands, but I’ve noticed far fewer people do it. The Atlantic has a commentary piece about how the norms of politeness have changed – and how this is far from the first time. Over time, plenty of our social norms about what’s polite have been altered by new views. The piece gives tips on how to interact with others, and particularly how to make sure you’re interacting with others in ways that all parties are comfortable.