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NOTEBOOK: Reader share – AARP video on #disruptaging


After attending our June 1 Power Breakfast titled “The Silver Tsunami,” Karl David Wilt, a partner at B2B CFO, shared that the day’s conversation on the challenges and opportunities of an aging workforce had jogged his memory of a fun video on the topic. The video, which was produced by AARP, has young professionals showing AARP what “old” looks like. They were first asked, “What age do you consider to be old?” and then were asked to demonstrate how old people walk, do push-ups and handle technology, among other things. Comical, of course. But then they paired each millennial up with some “real old” people who ended up challenging their preconceptions of what being old looks like. The video ends with the original question of what age the young professionals considered to be old. The video plays to what panelist Kent Sovern, state director for AARP-Iowa, referred to at the event about challenging our existing beliefs and myths that come with age. An idea that aging isn’t about decline, but rather growth. The video is part of AARP’s national campaign to disrupt notions on aging. Never one to not be hip like the kids, Sovern even made a plug from the stage for audience members to use the national hashtag #disruptaging. You can learn more about AARP’s “disrupt aging” campaign here, and you can watch the video below.