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NOTEBOOK: Trombino: ‘It was just time to move on’


Iowa Department of Transportation Director Paul Trombino said in an interview this afternoon that he wasn’t pushed out of his job.

He wasn’t in a snit over budget cuts. He wasn’t pressured by Gov. Terry Branstad, who appointed him, or anyone else.

“I just thought it was time to move on,” he said. Trombino resigned effective Nov. 28.

Trombino, who had a reputation among business leaders as an articulate speaker with a firm grasp of development issues, had long thought he would someday jump out of state government, his work home for more than two decades, in favor of a job that would let him work on regional transportation issues from a private perspective. Maybe a consulting engineering firm. Something like that.

Trombino, appointed to the Iowa job in 2011, said he doesn’t have a new job lined up. He has had calls from organizations and companies that were interested in hiring him, but he didn’t want to pursue those inquiries while he was still on the state payroll. His 2015 base was $147,000.

It’s likely Trombino will stay in the area. He lives in Johnston, and his children are in local schools.

He plans to take a few weeks off after his departure from the DOT before getting serious about considering new options.

This week marks the end of Trombino’s service as president of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. “I thought that made this a good time to move on,” he said.

He added that in his view, a director should set the tone and work on key projects, then leave so new leadership can bring in fresh perspectives.